b'Build the Structure:Give New (And Current) Operationalize the organizations onboarding pro- Employees Reasons to Be cess by developing a task list that is easy for lead- Proud of the Organizationers to follow. Such a list should cover everything from equipment and email to a department hostInthisstrongeconomicclimate,companieshave to guide the new hire during the first few days. As- to compete even more for talent. One of the plac-sign roles relevant to each team member by askinges companies can stand out is through their social the following questions: Who has the most func- impact,whichhelpsemployeesfeelproudtobe tional and/or technical knowledge? Who can bestconnected to their organization. After all, while a explain the departments culture(s)? Who is thepaycheckisimportant,peopleseekanoblepur-most relational? Who is the most connected andpose, a reason to be inspired and make a difference able to remove barriers? Playing to their strengthsthrough their organization. Companies can increase will make it easier for team members to feel invest- employee pride in their organization byed in the onboarding process. Creatingopportunitiesfortheiremployeesto Shape the Culture: volunteer in worthwhile social causes. High functioning working groups transform into highSharing stories that connect their achievements performance teams when team members understandto solving big social problems.what their unique contribution is to the work, feelLinkingtheirproductsandservicestohigher safe to share their perspectives, develop their own so- customer satisfaction.cial norms, and like/respect each other. OrganizationsHelpingemployeestobetterunderstandhow can encourage leaders and teams to lean into thesetheir talents contribute to a higher purpose.attributes by making onboarding a strategic priority and by giving them the tools they need to consistentlyIn organizational speak, the triple bottom line refers implement the organizations onboarding programs. to a companys economic, social, and environmental performance. Given that, about half of Fortune 500 Measure for Impact:companieswilldisappearoverthenext10years, companies need to find elegant solutions to manag-PeterDruckeroncestatedWhatgetsmeasureding costs while retaining top talent. If investing in la-gets improved. This is especially true for on organi- bor costs is any indication, companies are willing to do zation-wide onboarding program because, while thewhatever it takes to attract and recruit talent that will company sets onboarding as a priority, implementa- contribute to their ability to further their mission and tion occurs locally. Without a process to determineachieve their business goals. Shaping the new hire ex-whether onboarding is taking place at the unit lev- perience through the best practices in this article will el, it will be impossible for an organization to knowcost less while having the highest net positive impact what impact, if any, an investment in onboarding hasfor leaders, employees, and the organization.on employee engagement and retention.Sandra St. FleurHead of Organizational Development and Learning UCLA Health32'