b'This all may seem simple but it took countless hoursJust the other day I glanced out of my window to toreallydevelop.Nowthatweveidentifiedoursee one of our Account Managers out by the street ReasonforBeing,CoreValues,andVisionState- picking up trash in the rain to place in the dumpster. ment we have to lay in accountability. Insert KPIsWhen I shot him a note his response was I should (key performance indicators) to monitor our prog- work on my ninja skills I was trying to fly under ress. the radar and just take care of it privately but you caught me! Let me ask you this; if he is doing that Another favorite saying is: You know what kind offor us, what kind of incredible service do you think parent you are by how your grandkids turn out. Ithe is providing our clients? I have countless other is the same with culture. Staff retention, goal attain- examples of how our people are living out our Core ment, client satisfaction, even conflict resolution allValues. improve with a healthy culture.We are always going to bet first on hiring talent but MorethanjustwordsIhaveseenthesethingsif you want to truly succeed you will need to bank come to life in the hallways of our company. I haveon culture!noticed an energy as we try to breathe life in to them every day. If we are sideways with someoneSo, grab a glass, I would love to see you at the next it usually means they are not living our core values.conference sporting a red culture mustache. That If we are celebrating a success it usually means weway I will know you didnt just drink the Kool-aid, are living out our reason for being. If we are look- you bought it!ing for where we are going it starts with our vision statement. Brad WilliamsChief Operating Officer Federated Media111'