b"TALENT TALKWhat You Need to Know to Achieve Growth in Your People and Your Organization2 020 has proven to be a watershed year forI have never worked with a company executive or allofhumanity.Everythinginourliveshasleader who was not working to grow their company; changedfromhowweworkandhowourthat is the goal. But what many dont understand children are educated to how we communicate and or possibly forgetis that organizational growth how we celebrate our special events. is entirely dependent on the cumulative growth of Putting the finishing touches on this year's Talentthe people in that organization.Magazine has left me with a staggering realization,Grow your people, and you grow your company. and I am anxious to share it here with you. Simple? Yes! Easy to do? Not necessarily .Our team began planning this issue and building theWhileittakesplanning,never-endingdedication, content over nine months ago, and it left my handsearmarked time, and super-sized patience, there is in mid-February. By the time the project made itat least a clear-cut formula for success. We call it through all of the stages of content, design, andthe Growth Formula.editing and landed back on my desk, the world hadThe simplest expression of this formula is (Talent + turned completely upside down. Fit) x Investment = Growth.So, of course, I asked myself, is this still relevant? Is this information still going to be valuable to ourGrowth Formulaaudience? I held my breath and read it through, cover to cover. ( Talent + Fit ( x Investment = GrowthHere'swhatIlearned.EverythinginhereisevenNature Nurture Growthmore important today than it was when we started.Recruitment Development Person GrowsWith the evolving work environment, it has becomeSelection Engagement Organization Growseven more critical to identify the right talent, develop people to reach their full potential, and ensure that the people on our team are engaged in our efforts.During a recent search online, I unearthed a quoteLetsbreakdownthefirstpartofthisformula that brought my mouse to a screeching halt.together.Itstellingusthatwitheveryhirewe To triple the growth of yourmake, we need to hold out for someone who has organization, triple the growth of both the talent and the fit to achieve excellence in the job. Talent describes the natural ability, hard-your people.- Robin Sharma wiredfromayoungage,todosomethingwell with excellence. You cant give someone an innate Exactly! I cried (even though I was alone in thetalent they dont have; you can only grow what is office). Duh. already there. Fit is also important because even 4"