b'DEVELOPMENT C A SE STUDYEffective Feedback is Key to Developing an Elite Sales OrganizationG reat sales managers truly want to grow andThe best investment a sales organization can make develop the salespeople who report directlyis to commit to grow and develop its people. The to them. And, were not just talking aboutgreat news is that salespeople want to learn and thenewhirestotheorganization.Weretalkingdevelop.Infact,the2019MediaSalesReport about all the salespeople they are responsible for. found that 95% of salespeople said that learning At our Talent Focused Management workshopaand development are important to them. One of workshop that sales managers who are clients ofthe best ways to grow and develop your salespeo-The Center for Sales Strategy attendwe highlightple is through the effective use of feedback.a famous quote from Peter Drucker:Feedback on Performance and It is the people who determineFeedback on Behaviors the performance capacity ofSales managers have the opportunity to give feed-the organization. back all the time, and often that feedback is either 79'