b'WeeaarreetthhrriilllleeddttooaannnnoouunncceetthhiissyyeeaarrssWTTaalleennttSSuuppeerrhheerrooAAwwaarrddWwiinnnneerrss!!The nominations we received were extraordinarilysupercoachingstrengthtodevelopeachperson strong,whichmadeourjobofdeterminingtheon their team, often growing them as much as ten worthiestwarriorsexceedinglydifficult.Afteratimesandincreasingperformanceoftheentire significant struggle for truth, justice, and the talentorganization! And they dont stop there. These epic focusedmanagementway,wearenowreadytotalent champions retain their top sellers, working announce our 12 Talent Superheroes for 2019.with them to ensure they are continually soaring up, up and away in their careers, guiding them to What is a Talent Superhero? success, prosperity and happiness, and never letting them stray far from the protection of Many believe they are the worlds mightiest mortals. the team or fall prey to the evil villains hoping ATalentSuperherodoesmorethanleaptalltosnatchthem buildingsinasinglebound.Thesecrusaderscanaway.beseenRecruiting,Selecting,Developing,and Retainingtopperformersintheirmarketsevery day!They fight to find sales superstars innocently roaming the market and they bring them onboard before they becomeoverpoweredbythecompetition.Then theyusetheirselectionpowerstosafelydeliver those star sellers into the right jobs for their unique abilities. These management marvels also use their 8'