b"known. In the case of Hubbard Phoenix, Tom al- Karis does her best to make sure new hires feel wel-ready felt like a part of the team before his firstcome. We welcome them with the sign on the lob-officialday.Somecompaniesevenusevideostoby board, we schedule a day one welcome lunch leveragethisprocess.Theheadofthecompanywith the group (or those who can attend), we do a might record a welcome video with the company'sfull building tour and introduce them to all team philosophy.Othervideosmightfocusonculture,members and department heads.dress code or a tour of the office to cover basicsThinking about how the first day will go helps to like where restrooms are and how lunch works. create a warm and welcoming plan.Involve their If video isnt an option, consider designating a men- designatedmentorandoffercoffeeorbreakfast tor to reach out to the new hire before their firstbeforereceivingatour.Theyneedtobeshown day to welcome them and answer questions. their onboarding plan and be introduced to their workspace and the technology they will use. They Pre-boarding should also involve introducing yourwill also need to be taken to human resources to new hire to existing staff with an email, lunch orfill out any remaining paperwork. And they need to team meeting. Encourage employees to reach outbe introduced to their manager and team. Having with a welcome email so the hire can become fa- a welcome lunch in an informal setting like Susan miliar with their team. suggests can make this less overwhelming.Inthefirstweek,theyshouldbeintroducedto those who will be a resource. There should be daily Onboarding check-ins with their manager and mentor to make suretheyhaveeverythingtheyneed.Theywill You may ask, Is it really that important to formu- need feedback on their progress with onboarding.late a detailed plan for on-boarding?. Sapling has found that Without powerful onboarding, it takes around 8 to 12 months for new employees to reachA Clear Understanding of Their their full productivity levels. By taking the time up- Innate Talents Helps Employees front to onboard people in a meaningful way, they will be able to begin contributing at higher levelsGet off to a Better Startquicker and make a more immediate impact on the organization.Talent-focusedmanagersbringtheirsellers strengths to the forefront. When Jayna Anderson Creatingasuccessfulonboardingplaninvolvesbegan, she had the opportunity to sit down with several steps. Prepare ahead of time by setting upsomeone to gain a better understanding of her in-the new employees workspace, making sure theirnate talents and how she can use them to maximize computer and supplies are ready. Most important- her performance. When AEs have this one-on-one ly, prepare your plan for how onboarding will go.coaching soon after their start date, they go into What type of training will they receive, when, fromtheir new position with confidence that they are whom, and how much time is allotted? Have a copywell-suited to this role, and with the expectation of this plan ready on their first day or email it tothat they will succeed. According to Jayna:them beforehand.It was extremely helpful!it made me think more Hubbard Phoenix extends their planning into theabout how to channel my strengths in selling and first day, Tom also noted, when I walked in, (she)even training. I felt more prepared. The conversa-had my desk set up, my computer set up, it wastion led to outcomes I could control through my top seamless, I could hit the ground running when I gottalents. This felt like my goals had more purpose here. and passion because it related to who I was as a Even with strong onboarding, the first day on theseller and how I can create my own approaches to job can feel overwhelming and that is why Susansucceed 75"