b'JSOTRNA GIGOHRTD OFRNO CMO TMHPEA ENXIEPSERTSPurpose Driven Goalsby Jon Gordon - permission received to reprintF or years I chose Organic Valley milk over oth- they had just written on. I was inspired by my friend er brands in the supermarket. I had no ideaJoshua Medcalf\'s book Burn Your Goals but didn\'t why until I spoke at their remote headquarterswant to be the guy known for causing a fire in an surrounded by acres of farm land in the middle ofNFL meeting room so I had them rip up the paper Wisconsin. instead. I discovered a company that didn\'t believe in salesYou could hear the complaints and feel their anger and revenue goals. Of course they forecasted salesand frustration while they ripped up the paper they for budgetary, planning and growth purposes andhad just spent time and energy writing on. I then measured numbers and outcomes, but they did soasked, "How many of you wrote down win a super with the belief that numbers were just a byproductbowl, win x number of games, achieve x number of of how well they were living and sharing their pur- yards, have x number of interceptions, etc.?" pose.All the hands went up. I told them that every per-Instead of focusing on goals with numbers, Organicson in every NFL meeting room has the same goals. Valley passionately focused on their purpose drivenSo it\'s not the goals that will make you successful. goals: providing opportunities for farmers to makeOtherwise everyone and every team would be suc-aliving;sustainabilityoftheland;andprovidingcessful after writing down their goals. Instead it\'s families with healthy dairy products that were freeyour commitment to the process, your growth and ofhormonesandantibiotics.Theresult:Organicyour purpose that drives you to reach these goals Valley\'s numbers kept growing and growing. that will determine what you accomplish.While speaking to an NFL team a few years ago, IIthenhadthemwritedowntheircommitments had each player write their goals on a piece of pa- and purpose for playing and had them share with per. After a few minutes I had them rip up the paperthe rest of the team. It was powerful.82'