b'EMPLOYEE ONBOARDING STUDYEmployee Onboarding Study by Tirzah ThornburgS uccessfulcompaniesareawarethattheira new hire is left with no contact from their new employees are one of their most importantemployer, doubts could lead to them accepting an-resources.Vastamountsoftimeandmon- other offer.ey are spent every year recruiting. But once new talent has been hired, effort is needed to ensureBefore Tom Wintermeyer even started his first day that they show up for their first day of work.Em- at Hubbard Phoenix, his manager Susan had a plan ployee Pre-boarding and Onboarding are critical toin place. She is so organized, she had me all set up, building a strong team and retaining talent. Bothemailing me stuff in advance, giving me the sched-of which have a positive effect on the bottom line.ule, the press kit. Sapling quotes that Research from Gallups State of the American Workplace report shows that justTo increase the likelihood of a new hire making it to 12% of employees strongly agree their employerstheir first day, companies need a do a great job of onboarding new employees. LetsPre-boarding plan.Pre-boarding look at how some companies are successfully on- prepares a new hire for their first boarding their new employees, even before theirday at work. It builds excitement, first day on the job.getsthehireengagedwiththe companyandreduces stressabouttheun-Pre-Boarding in the Modern WorldAccordingtoPaulMcDonald,senior executive director at staffing firmRobertHalf,"Peopleare getting multiple offers in a mar-ket like today, and they are not showing up on their first day of work."Yearsago,companiesgave littlethoughttoPre-board-ing,buttimeshaveneces-sarilychanged.Thesedays people have more choices and the time between accepting an offerandstartingtheposi-tion can be filled with otheropportunities anduncertainty.If 74'