b'TCHEEN CTEERN TFEORRFSOARL ESSA SLTERS ASTTERGAYT EBGLYOGEmployee Burnout: Signs, Causes, Preventionby Deborah Fulghum W hatimagecomestomindwhenyouSigns of Employee Burnouthearthewordsburnout?Burnoutis defined as an individuals response toA recent Gallup study showed that 67% of employ-chronicemotionalandinterpersonalstressorsees sometimes or often feel burned out at work. withintheworkplace.Itdoesntsimplyhappen from being bored or from working too many hours. With a statistic like this, are there obvious signs of Studies increasingly indicate other factors are be- burnout that youre missing? True employee burn-hindthisworkepidemicandemployeeburnoutout is more than needing a temporary break from hasreachedrecordlevels.Itssocommonthatwork or feeling briefly worn down by an intense people in all industries and in all positions are sus- project. Instead, its a state of chronic job stress ceptible to burnout. that results in overall exhaustion, frustration, and a defeatist attitude that negatively affects an em-ployees personal and work life.114'