b'6. Great sales hunters enjoy doingearn the clients trust, and gain insightful business some detective work, uncovering theinformation. Too much of a good thing here might clients most valuable business needs,be a problem for a hunter role though. If the seller is wired to go too deep in relationship development and matching those with a strongthey can get stuck and struggle to move forward.solution that they know will work. Pro Tip: If you are using the Online Sales Talent In-They are good at solving problems and dont giveterview, these behaviors are measured in the Indi-up when the going gets tough. Your sales candidatevidualizer theme.who is strong in this area will ask you smart, point-ed questions about the job, the company, and your2. Too Focused on Learningprocess in filling the position. They will also demon-strate how their talents, skills, and experience willAnotherexampleoftalentoverkillforahunter match nicely with what you need. would bein a themecentered on learning. Peo-Pro Tip: If you are using the Online Sales Talent In- ple strong in this theme crave knowledge and are terview, these behaviors are measured in the Prob- innately curious, rarely feeling satisfied that they lem Solver theme. have all the information they need. At a certain lev-el, this drives a seller to gain expertise, ask good Wehavebeentalkingalotaboutthenaturalquestions, and analyze situations to find opportu-strengths and innate behaviors of our great salesnities for improvement. At a higher level, this same hunters.Asageneralruleofthumb,themoregroup of behaviors will cause a massive slow-down strength, the better! But I would be remiss if I didntin the process. tell you that there are a couple of strengths that, inProTip:IfyouareusingtheOnlineSalesTalent higher doses, can get in the way of new businessInterview,thesebehaviorsaremeasuredinthe development success. Learner theme. 2 Behavioral Red Flags toIf you are looking to hire your next superstar sales hunter, now you know exactly what you are looking Watch Out For for. Good luck on YOUR hunt!1. Too Relationship-OrientedIt is important for any individual in sales to be able to develop strong, trusting relationships with their clients. Our research shows that client retention is closely tied to the sellers ability to build rapport, Beth SunshinePartner, VP Talent Services The Center for Sales Strategy59'