b'above, the questions themselves must be wordedular job and the questions that differentiate those in such a way where the candidate does not knowwho are top performers from those who are av-thecorrectanswer.Forinstance,ifcompetitive- erage performers.ness is needed for a given position, the question are you a competitive person? will not differenti- The resulting interview serves two purposes. First, ate between those who are competitive and thoseit demonstrates validity. That is, the interview dif-who are not competitive. However, if the questionferentiates between those who are top perform-reads, are you a fiercely competitive person? theers and those who are average performers. Sec-word fiercely gives those who are not competitiveond,andequallyimportant,interviewsbasedon pause, and they may answer no; however, thosestrengths show no adverse impact. That is, talent who are competitive will answer yes. Therefore,knowsnodifferenceacrossages,races,genders, it is important that researchers ask the questionsor LGBTQ+ status. However, access to education is in such a way that those with certain strengths canthe most prevalent reason or adverse impact (Glass be identified. The key to understanding good ques- CeilingCommission,1995).Beginningatavery tions is sampling of the population. In fact, samplingyoung age, whites have more opportunities to gain is likely the most important aspect of researchinghigher levels of education (Master & Meltzoff, 2016; talent. If the sample is incorrect, the research willRocha & Hawes, 2009). Second, males are dispro-be void. In other words, Garbage in. Garbage out.portionately steered to educational subjects valued by businesses, such as STEM and/or business cours-Organizationsarethebestresourcesat identifyingsamples.Itisimportantfor the researchers to know who is a top performer and who is an average per-former. By identifying those two samples (with help from the organizations), mea-suring the strengths for a particular job becomesevident.Research-erswritequestionsto identifytalentbased ontheseparationof thosewhoaretop performers and those whoareaverage performers.Infact, theresearchques-tionsmaybeinthe hundreds(300-400) withtheintentionof understandingwhich questions separate the topfromtheaver-age.Thosequestions whichstatisticallydif-ferentiatethesetwo samplescreatethefi-nalinterview.Atthis point,researchers knowthestrengths neededforapartic-55'