b'ENGAGEMENT C A SE STUDYHow a Sales Leader Improved Engagement and Performance on His Team by Focusing on His Own TalentsT here are two philosophies when it comes toleaders recognize their strengths and realize their growing people. The most common involvesgreatest potential. Rather than doggedly working to identifying our weaknesses and then intense- achieve marginal improvement, managers in Talent ly focusing to improve in those areas. Unfortunate- Insight can work with a certified Talent Analyst to ly, this outdated approach only proves to generateunderstand their unique talents and maximize their a measly 10% improvement at best. Thats a lot ofperformance.work for very little return!Heres the magic: When a leader reaches their full The better approach involves identifying and spend- potential, so do their people.ing time on what we are naturally wired to doourWhen a manager is fully self-aware, they can better innate strengths. It turns out that when we focussupport and coach their people, grow their relation-our energy on improving in areas of strength, weships, identify and solve problems in the workplace, can grow by as much as ten times! create employee engagement, and as a result, in-Talent Insight Executive Coaching was built to helpcrease employee performance and retention. 102'