b'The OSTI Accurately Predicts Performance SuccessNot surprisingly, the sellers identified by their man-agers as achieving superstar performance within the first two years of employment came loaded with tal-ent on the OSTI. After we collected names of super-stars from clients, we then looked at their OSTIs and discovered why they were so successful; they were innately talented.Here are the top talent takeaways we uncovered in this 5-year study:98% of the salespeople considered superstars by their managers were Recommended on the OSTI.98% of superstars scored 41.7% or higher on the OSTI.96% of these superstars had five or more consis-tent talents to grow and develop.92%ofthesesuperstarshadthreeorfewer weaknessessotheirmanagersdidnthaveto create a ton of work-arounds. Mindy MurphySenior Talent Analyst The Center for Sales Strategy24'