b'on performance or behavior. In reality, the feed- Why Sales Managers Go in the back that is given most often is on the salespersons performance. The reason for this is quite simple: Field with SalespeopleMostorganizationshaveclearperformanceWhen a sales manager goes in the field with a sales-metrics in place person,itssometimesbecausetheyrethereto They have software that tracks it co-sell, and sometimes to say thank you to a good customer, also there are times a sales manager is Compensation that rewards it needed on a call because there have been issues Reports that are generated to share itordifficultiesandthesalesmanageristhereto smooth things over.With that structure in place, its no wonder sales managers do a good job with giving that sort ofWhile all those reasons are valid, what we are fo-feedback.Givingfeedbackonperformanceiscused on here is when the sales manager is there to smart to do but, good salespeople already knowbe the coach.Find time to go in the field with your most of this information.salespeople and give them the coaching they need.In most organizations, the salespeople have accessRemember 5-to-1to the exact same software and see the same re-ports. They know exactly where they are towardsWhen you do get the opportunity to go in field with their key performance indicators.your salesperson, remember thisyou want to The feedback that will make the biggest impact ongive 5 positives to every 1 criticism.growing and developing salespeople is the feed- Your goal is to grow and develop your salesperson, back the sales managers give on behaviors. To doand to do that you want to ensure that during your this requires that the sales manager see the sales- time in the field with them you have the chance to person in the field (or on the phone, or a sharedreally observe them in action and take notes of all screen) actually selling.the things they do well. Dont be vague with your And, not just at making the presentation and clos- observations; in fact, the more specific you can be ing the deal, but rather at all stages of the salesthe better. Letting someone know what they do well processfrom prospecting, to appointment set- feels great to the person receiving the feedback and ting, to the discovery meeting and so onactu- will reinforce to them what they should do. ally going in the field and seeing the salespersonThis method also gives you the opportunity to share doing the work is the very best way to be able towith them the 1 or 2 things you think they could im-give quality feedback and feedback that will helpprove. After they hear all your observations and they them to grow. realize that youre there to help them to improve, they will take your guidance and start to improve. Matt SunshineManaging Partner The Center for Sales Strategy80'