b'The Story process and rebuilt it in a way where that would better utilize his natural talents and emphasize his Recently one of our Talent Analysts had the oppor- strength in Caring.tunity to coach a talented VP of Sales in the TalentIt was clear this managers first step would be to Insight program. His goals, and those of his manag- completeaGrowthGuidewitheachofhisdirect er, were to improve his leadership ability, developreports so he could better understand the kind of his people, increase performance on the team, andrelationship and coaching each person needed to be ultimately grow in the company.most successful. He eagerly scheduled one-on-one Using the Talent Insight survey to gather specifictime away from the office with each person, and feedbackonhisbehaviorsfromthoseheworkssoon enough, all of his Growth Guide conversations with,theTalentAnalystwasabletodeterminewere behind him. He shared, Being able to analyze exactly where this manager had innate strengthsevery persons Growth Guide gave me more insight that were going underutilized. Together they de- than ever on how to approach my sellers on an in-termined his priorities and then created actionabledividual basisthe things that make them tick, etc.strategies to bridge those gaps. Armed with a clear vision of the workstyles, moti-Based on the data, they decided to start the devel- vators, and personal goals of each person, the pair opment journey with an area of untapped poten- then worked together to build a few highly individ-tial in the talent of Caring. ualized Priority Coaching Strategies for each of his direct reports so he could help them be at their The Golden Opportunity very best. The manager shared his excitement for the work, saying, We all know we cant be every-While this managers Talent Assessment showed athing to everyone at all times, so having coaching great deal of innate strength in the talent of Car- and collaboration on picking out 2-3 critical areas ing, the feedback from his surveys confirmed thatof focus was awesome.was not coming through. This was especially con- It didnt take long for him to know he was on the cerning because the talent of Caring has the mostright track. He told us, I was able to apply insights direct impact on employee retention. It allows forandstrategiesimmediatelythroughoutthepro-a deeper level of relationship and the kind of high- cess and see immediate results.ly individualized treatment that lets people know they are personally cared about. The True TestNow more than ever, it is crucial that employees feel cared about and know that their manager isThe Talent Insight program, centered on strength invested in their success and happiness. No onedevelopment, includes two employee surveys. The willarguethatfinancialrewardisimportanttofirstsurvey,completedatthebeginningofthe most employees, but even great money is oftenprogram, illustrates the leaders opportunities for not enough if the person feels like just an inconse- growth. The second survey measures that growth.quential cog in the wheel. If people dont feel likeThis manager especially appreciated the opportu-they matter, they are more willing to walk awaynitytomeasuregrowth,sharing,"Thebestpart when another offer comes along.of the program is the pre- and post-surveys with Changing his behaviors in this area quickly becameyour direct reports and peers. The numbers dont job number one. lie. In the pre-survey, you can see the areas that stand out for improvement, and in the post-survey, The Plan you can physically see the results. He also adds, The comments from your coworkers are critical Duringtheirfirsttwocollaborativesessions,Theinformation to help you develop and continue to TalentAnalystandtheVPofSalessuccessful- develop into the best manager and colleague you lybrokedownthisleaderspeopledevelopmentcan be!103'