b'DEVELOPMENTHow we help with DEVELOPMENTTalent Services Strength Management Talent Feedback andCoachingThis seven-week Leadership Development Coaching Program provides participants with a true Our certified Talent Analysts provide unlim- understanding of how the best strength ited talent feedback and coaching to help youmanagers successfully select, develop, and individually manage each one of your peopleretain their people.in the way that is best for them, to ensure you are continually challenging and growing eachWorkshops(live and virtual) one of your people.Priority Coaching Strategies Talent Focused Management ExperienceIdentify the most important coaching strat-egies that will maximize the performance ofOur simulation workshop provides an oppor-each individual, and hold yourself account- tunity for leaders to work in teams, making able by setting them as Priority Strategies indecisions that will drive overall sales perfor-your Talent Dashboard. mance. Although one team wins the compe-tition, everyone leaves with valuable insights Strength Development to drive talent and performance in their sales operations.During this in-depth session, a certified Talent Analyst will dive into an individualsLeadership Development strengths with them and provide solid, action- Workshopable strategies to they can use to manage themselvesandmaximizetheirtalents.This live management off-site brings your leaders together and equips them with the Coaching Programstools to increase performance on their teams, boost communication, and improve collabo-360 Leadership Coaching ration.360 Leadership Coaching is the best way for aTeam Builder Seriescompany to invest in a leaders development,This four-session workshop series is designed by helping them understand their own uniqueto bring an entire team together to build strengths and building a surefire plan to lever- trusting relationships, improve collaboration, age those strengths for increased success. better handle conflict, and boost productivity.102 How We Help with Development'