b'RECRUITMENT4.Cost-efficiency. Referral pro- has a pool of qualified individ- Once youve tapped into your cur-grams can be cost-effectiveuals when needed. rent employees, ask others in the as they dont require expen- 10. IncreasedMorale:Whenindustry for referrals, including sive recruitment advertisingemployeesseethattheiryour clients. Chances are they may or hiring agencies. Comparedreferrals are being consideredbe working with talented reps in to external hiring processes,and hired, it boosts moralethe market who are looking for a thecostsassociatedwithand engagement within thenew opportunity.advertising, screening, andteam. It creates a sense of onboarding may be reduced. pride and belonging amongLinkedIn:5.Stronger Culture Alignment:the existing staff. Actively engaging with your Linke-Current employees are likelyTomaximizethebenefits,itsdIn network is the second most to refer candidates who theyessentialtohaveawell-struc- effective and popular way that believe will align well withintured employee referral programcompanies found their superstar the existing team and com- that incentivizes and recognizessellers last year. According to The pany culture, which can con- employees for successful referrals. Muse, 92% of companies use social tributetoapositiveworkmedia for hiring and this will only environment and improvedAlso, be intentional and specificgrow with the impact of artificial team dynamics about exactly what you need inintelligence on social media.6.Reduced turnover: Employ- the role.ees who are referred by cur- If you ask someone, Whats aHere are some tips you can use to rentemployeesaremoregreat restaurant I should visit whileincrease your visibility and connect likely to stay with the companyIm in town? youre likely to get awith top talent on LinkedIn:longer and reduce turnover. slew of answers. Now imagine you1.Startaconversation:Be 7.Increaseddiversity.ask, Whats a Mexican restaurantstrategicaboutwhatyou Employee referrals can tapin the city center with great chipscomment on and respond to intoabroadernetworkofand salsa that serves specialty mar- comments of those who pique potential candidates. Employ- garitas? Their answer will be muchyour interest as potential can-ees often have connections indifferentand it will align moredidates. Getting the conversa-their industry or professionalclosely with the talent you need. tion started casually will help circles, enabling the organiza- The same can be said for referrals.break the ice and give people tion to access a diverse poolWhen youre asking for referrals, bethe opportunity to explore of talent and a wider range ofsure to ask for the specific behav- your LinkedIn page as well.potential candidates. iors youre looking for, like this:2.Getthewordout:Adda 8.Betterretention.Employ- hiring banner to your profile ees who are referred by cur- Who do you know who is: picture.rent employees tend to haveHighly competitive and always3.Optimize Your Profile: Ensure better retention as they arewants to win? that your companys LinkedIn more likely to fit the companyOutgoing and easily connectsprofile is complete and engag-culture and have a strongerwith others? ing. Highlight your company sense of commitment. culture, values, and achieve-9.Talent Pipeline: Building aDoesnt give up until the job ismentstoattractpotential talent bank through employeedone? candidates.referrals creates a pipeline ofYou can find more examples of4.Feature company blogs: If potential candidates for futurequestions you can ask to targetyour company has an active openings.Thisproactivespecific behaviors in the Nomi- blog, share posts from your approach to talent acquisitionnator System resource in the CSScompanythathelpothers ensures that the organizationResource Center. understand the culture and Superstar Study 2023 31'