b'DEVELOPMENT STRAIGHT FROM THE expertsRevving up Performance with the New Hire Fast-TrackBy Trey MorrisI magine this: Youve just hired arigorouscommitmenttoevery new salesperson. The ink on theirfacet of employee development. contract is barely dry, and alreadyWere about to take a deep dive the clock is ticking. The pressure isinto a system that is revolutionizing on to transform this fresh recruitthe hiring, onboarding, and nurtur-into a revenue-generating power- ing of sales talent. houseand fast. Defining Success Early: It all Trey Morris For too long, the sales world hasbegins with crystal-clear expec-VP / Seniorresigned itself to a slow and steadytations. Utilizing the Job Analy-Consultant, The Center for Salesonboarding process, accepting it assis and Spec Sheets, we can help Strategy an unavoidable rite of passage. Butyou pinpoint the talents, skills, what if we challenged the statusand experiences necessary for quo? What if there was a way toexcellence in a role. With the not only accelerate this journey butFast-Track program, were on also enhance its quality? the hunt for huntersthe go-getters who can find, pursue, Enter the New Hire Fast-Track Ini- and close new business targets. tiativea game-changing strat- This is not a program built for egy thats rewriting the rules ofsales farmers, so the spec sheet employee development. This isntserves as a compass to guide about cutting corners; its aboutyou through that recruitment creating a streamlined path to suc- maze.cess that benefits both the newCraftingtheIdealJobAd: hire and your organization. Armed with a detailed blueprint, the Fast-Start program guides Steps to Successyou to create compelling job At the core of this initiative lies apostings that resonate with your 88 Revving up Performance with the New Hire Fast-Track'