b'ENGAGEMENTOrganizational benefits of greatengagementsurveyyourlight on your organizations work-employer branding include: workplace x-ray to evaluate theplace culture, including strengths, Increased inbound recruitmentworkplaceexperienceatyourunique characteristics, and areas and top talent attraction organization. Look for a research- for improvement. Utilizing your backed, confidential survey thatorganizations culture strengths Higherretentionlevelsandidentifies key themes, such as: can help you to build an authentic lower turnover costs What are employees percep- employer brand. Consider this your A more authentic and engagingtions of fairness around pay,powerful magnet that attracts new company brand (different butbenefits, and work-life flexibil- talent and customers.related to employer brand) ity?2. Understand your How to build anIsthereinclusion,support,employee value employer brand openness, and appreciation? propositionHow do employees feel aboutYour Employee Value Proposition Stay tuned for eight impactful waystraining, learning, and reaching(EVP) is your organizations unique to build an employer brand thattheir potential? offering beyond basic compensa-attracts top-notch candidates andAre there shared beliefs in yourtion. It conveys the tangible and fosters an aligned workplace cul- organizations direction, values,intangible benefits that make your ture. These strategies empowerand meaning? workplace distinct, including com-organizations to create a lasting impression and stand out as anIs there communication, col- panyculture,employeedevel-employer of choice. laboration, and low operationalopment opportunities, work-life friction? balance, and additional perks. EVP 1. Start with an employeeAre employees committed andis closely tied to employer brand, engagement survey productive, and do they advo- which is how your organization is cate for your organization? perceived in the job market. EVPs Initiatingyouremployerbrandform the foundation of an employer strategy? Start with an employeeEmployee feedback sheds valuablebrand, influencing how current and Employer Branding Roadmap 125'