b'INTRODUCTIONINTRODUCTIONA Letter from the Editor 2024W elcome to the latest edi- Our focus remains steadfast on tion of Turning Talenthelping you navigate these changes into Performance, theto ensure your business prospers. talent magazine designed to helpWe delve into how to recruit, select, you unlock the full potential of yourdevelop, and engage top talent people and your business.leveraging the latest research and As we celebrate the 40th anniver- best practices to drive the perfor-sary of our company, we reflectmance of your organization. onourjourneywithgratitudeAs you turn the pages, youll dis-and pride. This year is particularlycoverinsightfularticles,case special as we not only commemo- studies, interviews, and tips from rate four decades of helping otherleadingexperts.Wehopethis companies grow their people andyears Talent Magazine will not their businesses but also celebrateonly inform but also inspire you.being honored with the Inc. Maga- It is designed to be your compre-zine Best Workplaces Award. Thishensive guide to building a solid accolade is a testament to our ded- talent strategy from recruitment ication to creating a culture whereand selection to development and talent thrives, and people reachengagement. their full potential. Herestocelebratingourpast In this edition, we continue ourachievements,embracingthe present opportunities, and looking tradition of delivering the mostforward to future successes. Thank up-to-date facts and trends, cut- you for being part of our journey ting-edge strategies, and practicaland allowing us to be a part of advice straight from the experts.yours. We are looking forward to Beth Sunshine Wetacklethechallengesandmany more years of turning talent SVP - Talent Services, The Center foropportunities of 2024, such as dig- into performance together. Sales Strategy and Up Your Culture ital transformation, the evolution of workspaces, and the need for agility in a rapidly changing world.4 Introduction'