b'RECRUITMENT9-YEAR SALES SUPERSTAR STUDY9-year Sales Superstar Alist of the top talent sources and the percentage of examples received Study We compiled our research from the past nine years in the chart to the 35%4% left. This is a list of the top talent Referrals Advertising sourcesandthepercentageof examples we received in each.Referrals: 3% Referrals leads the list for the 9th 15%Rehired Formeryear in a row as the number one and LinkedIn Employee most effective way to recruit talent-(Current Company) edcandidatesforopenpositions. Talent loves talent! Start by thinking about those on your team who are highly talented and ask them who 8%3% theyknow.AccordingtoLinkedIn, Corporate Social Media companies can expand their talent Recruiter (Other than LinkedIn) pools 10x by recruiting through cur-rent employee networks.The Top 10 benefits of using refer-7%rals:Company2% 1.Faster hiring process. Referrals WebsiteLocal CollegeAppliedcan expedite the hiring process. directly Since referred candidates often have a faster recruitment cycle, it can save time for both the 7%hiring team and the candidate.Job Boards2% 2.Higherqualitycandidates. (Indeed,Former Colleague Sinceexistingemployees ZipRecruiter, etc.) (Previous Company) understand the company cul-ture, values, and job require-ments, they are more likely 2% to refer individuals who are a Professional/good fit for the organization 6%Community and have the skills and experi-Competition Organization(Non-profits, Boards,ence required for the job.Networking, etc.) 3.Increased employee engage-ment. Employees who refer candidatesmayfeelmore 6%1% invested in the success of the Internal Hire Intern Program company and may be more engagedandmotivatedat work.30 Superstar Study 2023'