b'ENGAGEMENT STRAIGHT FROM THE expertsEmployer Branding RoadmapI n an era where employee turn- notch talent. Employer brand is over and hiring challenges haveyour game-changer. Evolving from reached unprecedented levels,a mere buzzword to a strategic ini-the need for a compelling employertiative, employer brand is the secret brand is more crucial than ever.ingredient that attracts the best Heres what a recent Top Work- talent and retains them. Improv-places Research Lab study abouting your recruitment process goes Energage recruitingandhiringrecentlybeyond ticking boxes; its about Top Platform foruncovered: crafting a culture story that job measuring andDespite80%ofemployersseekers find irresistible. showcasing workplace culture. believing they effectively convey their company culture, only 30%Why employer of candidates share the samebranding mattersperception.Investing in your employer brand is The dissatisfaction with the timenot just a luxury; its a smart move it takes to fill vacant positionsthat sets your company apart from is palpable, with nearly half ofthe competition. Recent research employers expressing concern.underscores the impact, reveal-In the post-pandemic landscape,ing that companies with a robust 60% of employers and 55% ofemployer brand are three times job seekers acknowledge themore likely to secure top-tier talent. increased difficulty in recruitingTrust is also a pivotal factor, with job and job hunting.candidates being three times more Nowadays, every company com- likely to believe what your employ-petesfortheattentionoftop- ees say about your company than yourpolishedcorporatepitch. 124 Employer Branding Roadmap'