b'RECRUITMENTHow we help with RECRUITMENTCutting-Edge Science Nominator SystemOur validated talent assessments allow you toThis easy-to-use system helps you collect valu-identify those with the innate talents you needable referrals from your trusted sources.so you can build a strong talent pool of poten-tial future candidates before you even have anSales Superstar Study Reportopen position.This report points you to the best sources for TalentCoach top-level talent and provides you with the most Our cutting-edge AI will provide you witheffective strategies for finding them.answers to your recruitment questions as well as strategies you can use to find the candidatesTalent Bankyoure looking for. The most heavily used feature in the Talent Dash-board, your Talent Bank allows you to easily add Job Analysis and Spec Sheet and sort candidates, assess their innate talents, This tool allows you to identify your must-haveand nurture your top candidates.talents, skills, and experiences so you know exactly what you are looking for as you recruit. Team CompositesEffective Recruitment Ad Copy Looking at the common strengths and weak-nesses of your current team can help you iden-We help speed up the hiring process and increasetify potential blind spots and improve your the caliber of talent on your team by helping youability to screen for talent during recruitment.craft a message that attracts only those who have the talents, skills, and experiences you need. Top Talent ReportLook and Listen Build your employer brand by giving your job Check out this comprehensive list of behaviorscandidates valuable insight into their top talents you may see during interviews so you knowand proven strategies they can use to maximize what talents you are spotting. their strengths and improve their performance.Recruitment to Retention Series Elevate ProgramConsider this four-session virtual workshop thatThe most powerful recruitment tool you can have is provides your leadership team with a consistenta sterling reputation as an employer of choice. We and repeatable process for finding, developing,help you create a thriving culture of engagement and retaining top talent. that attracts top talent who want to be a part of it.48 How We Help with Recruitment'