b'DEVELOPMENTSuperhero Development "The Top Talent Report is a good tool.ExpertsIt provides specific action items the individual can do to capitalize on their natural talents. In addition to the Top Talent Report, we regularly use the Growth Guide. It is a great on-boardingsteventool to get to know new employees,biebelbut it has also proven productive to reset with direct reports annually." timskibbeLori Clark Maryann BalboDirector of Sales, TEGNA , Houston, TX Group Vice President, Cox MediaThe Top Talent Report is a good tool.Mentoring is number one. Find-It provides specific action items theing them a resource who has had individual can do to capitalize onsimilar growth experiences. And, their natural talents. In additionreverse mentoringfinding them to the Top Talent Report, we reg- someone who can show them the ularly use the Growth Guide. It isbusiness from a different lens. Iloria great on-boarding tool to get toalso am a big proponent ofClarkknow new employees, but it hasunderstanding and individuals also proven productive to resetstrengths. Each of my VPs have a with direct reports annually. It is aunique perspective and are SMEs safe space for team members toin different subjects. I lean on give feedback to their manager andthem for that expertise and have built a foundation of trust among allows for a reference point for bothour team. Everyones voices are the employee and manager to use throughout the yearrememberheard, however, the SME is lead- maryanning the conversation.when we talked about x. It isntbalboa REVIEW, so the tone and feel ofThe User Guide is also a must have the meeting is much more relaxed.for our teams and a resource we It helps to build rapport with teamrefer to frequently as we work on members, and it is usually done overbecoming a stronger team.lunch or coffee.Superhero Development 85'