b'ENGAGEMENTand employees alike feel this way.Now, imagine being in a role where you are also unsureOnly 21% of what is expected of you. As it turns out, many peoplesay their departments are feeling exactly that way. 51% of survey respon- communicate and dents report they need more information to do theirTHREE LEVELS OF collaborate extremely welljob well, with 9% of people feeling they dont feelEMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENTinformed on things that relate to their job whatsoeverThis includes both managers and front-line employees THREE LEVELS OFWithin a team: While some say they always communi-and doesnt vary based on tenure. Its clear that across1.EngagedEMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT cate and collaborate with their fellow team members, the board, people need more communication. Actively working to create the majority of respondents (60%) tell us that they aspark and constantlysee room for improvement in this area. Included in stoking the re.1.Engaged that 60% are 6% who consider the current quality of Actively working to createtheir communication and collaboration to be a serious aspark and constantly problem. 2.Not Engaged51% 51% of respondentsMaking no e\x1eort, feet stoking the re.need more informationBetween departments: 79% of respondents report to do their jobs well. kicked up.communication and collaboration needing improve-THREE LEVELS OFment, with 9% saying it is a serious problem. That 2.Not Engaged leaves only 21% who report their departments com-Making no e\x1eort, feet EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENTkicked up. 3.Actively Disengagedmunicate and collaborate extremely well. Friction between departments is one of the most common Dumping water on the reand removing logs.As is so often the truth, a disconnect in communication(and relatable) problems organizations face. A lack of 1.Engaged collaboration between teams can lead to dwindling trickles down from the very top. When asked about 3.Actively working to createemployee engagement levels.Actively Disengagedtheir companies overall, only 43% of respondents aspark and cwater on the ronstantly eDumping believe their organizations always share information stokinemog thving logs.e re. To help individual employees support more posi-and rabout what is happening. And managers seem to feeltive interactions, provide training and development left in the dark more than front-line employees do. opportunities that improve communication, negoti-2.Not Engaged ation skills, and conflict resolution. Finally, recognize A strong Valued Voice also requires everyone to believe their input has value. When people feel as thoughand reward employees who demonstrate the col-Making no e\x1eort, feet kicked up.their opinions dont matter, overall creativity dwindleslaborative behaviors you want to see. This will rein-because perspectives are limited. This year, 55% offorce a culture of collaboration and encourage others respondents report they dont believe their opinionsto follow suit.3.Actively Disengagedalways matter at work Dumping water on the re Earned Trust: Integrity, These are startling statistics. If you dont feel you can and removing logs. Accountability, and Follow be yourself, it is impossible for you to be engaged. In a fast-paced need it now environment, it seems peopleThrough are being shut down and turned away rather than being appreciated for the unique pieces they bring to the table.Are managers and company leaders liv-Collaboration ing up to their word?So, how can employees effectively communicate andEarned Trust gives people confidence in company collaborate with others if they believe their opinionsdecisions and faith in the integrity of not only their will have no impact? Not too well, it turns out. Over themanagers but also the leaders of the company. With-past several years, the quality of collaboration hasout trust, establishing a strong culture with high levels steadily declinedof engagement is impossible.116 ENGAGE 2024: The Company Culture Report'