b'RECRUITMENTbutton, imagine having a list ofbank ready to replace any under- Now, I challenge you to take a good equally talented and eager candi- performing salesperson, you arelook at your current talent bank. Is dates ready to fill those big shoes.more likely to hold them account- it as full and diverse as your ambi-Thats the beauty of a strong talentable and put pressure on them totions? If not, its time to get to work. bank - it turns surprises into meremeet and exceed their budgets. OnStart engaging with potential can-bumps on the road to success. the other hand, if you are scareddidates, even if youre not hiring at someone will leave, you wont holdthis very moment. Build relation-3. You Need Leverage forthem accountable because you areships, keep the conversation going, Accountability terrified that they might leave. and when the time comes, youll be ready to onboard the best of Finally, lets talk about leverage.The Takeaway the best.And no, Im not referring to negotia- Heres your takeaway: a strong tion tactics with your clients. This istalent bank is your secret weapon.Lets make your talent bank not just about internal leverage. A full talentIts what keeps your team dynamic,a part of your strategy but a cor-bank gives you the upper hand inresilient, and ahead of the curve.nerstone of your success. After all, ensuring your team is consistentlyBut remember, building and main- in the world of sales, youre only performing at its best. Its abouttaining this talent bank requiresas good as the team you build. So creating an environment wherecontinuous effort. Its about net- go ahead, make your talent bank accountability is not just expectedworking, staying connected withyour priority, and watch as your but ingrained. industry talent, and always being onteamand your resultssoar to When you have a strong talentthe lookout for the next superstar. new heightsYoure Only as Good as Your Talent Bank 41'