b'RECRUITMENTclear instructions. Keep applications"Imagine if your job candidates could short and sweet, no longer than one page. Embrace mobile-friendlybecome your brand ambassadors, processes, and consider accept- spreading positive word-of-mouth ing applications without a resume. Dont ask for salary history upfront,and positioning your organization as a and always acknowledge receipt ofdesirable employer."their application promptly.3. Set High Standards 6. Master the Interview 9. Provide Quality During the interview, treat candi- FeedbackShowcase the value you place ondates like valued customers, givingEmpower candidates who didnt exceptional talent by implementingthemyourundividedattention.make the cut by offering detailed a validated talent assessment. ThisMaintain eye contact, eliminate dis- feedback. Highlight what impressed will not only help you identify thetractions, and actively listen. Engageyou in their application, resume, most promising candidates but alsothem in a meaningful discussion,social media profiles, and inter-signal to applicants that theyll beencouraging questions and provid- views. Additionally, offer construc-joining an elite team. Take it a steping answers. Lastly, ensure candi- tive suggestions for improvement. further and provide applicants withdates understand the next steps,This coaching approach demon-their Top Talent Report so they havetimelines, and what they shouldstrates your commitment to their actionable strategies to maximizeexpect. growth and leaves rejected candi-their strengths. By offering valuedates with a positive perspective of early on, youll differentiate yourself7. Over-Communicate your company.from the competition.Go the extra mile in your commu- 10. Invite their Perspective4. No Surprises nication with candidates. Follow up promptly and frequently through- Dont stop at giving feedback; seek Build trust by providing candidatesout the process. Thank candidatesfeedback from candidates through with clear expectations about thefor their time and provide updatesapost-interviewsurvey.Learn interviewprocess.Shareinter- even if there isnt definitive news toabout their entire experience, from view formats, participants, dura- share. Respond to their follow-upyour career site to the application tion, dress code, and any specificnotes and always inform candidatesprocess, interview, and follow-up instructions for virtual or in-personpromptly if they are no longer beingcommunication. Encourage open-meetings. For in-person interviews,considered. ended comments to capture valu-consider having someone greet can- able insights. Respond to every didates, putting them at ease andcomment or review you receive, 8. Fill your Talent Bank showing candidates that their feed-providing valuable insights for you. Dont sever ties with candidatesback matters.5. Prepare in Advance who arent the right fit at present.Todays talent landscape is fiercely Acknowledge their strengths, skills,competitive, and candidates are Avoid winging it during interviews.or experiences that stood out andat the heart of it all. Treat them as Prepare a list of questions in advanceinvite them to join your Talent Bank.futureemployees,brandadvo-that cover both talent and fit. TalentExplain that this bank serves as acates, and potential customers. By questions shed light on how candi- pool of potential future hires. Staythoughtfully designing and imple-dates utilize their strengths while fitin touch, share interesting articlesmentingatop-notchcandidate questions help assess compatibilityor company updates, and nurtureexperience,youllpositionyour with the team, manager, and com- these relationships for any futurecompany as a standout player in the pany culture. opportunities. talent market. Unconventional Strategies for Building an Unforgettable Candidate Experience 43'