b'SELECTION STRAIGHT FROM THE expertsThe Team Equation: The Importance of Fit in New Hire DecisionsBy Tirzah ThornburgA spot opens up on the salesdecision and an outstanding career.team and the hiring managerThat sounds compelling, but how needs to fill it. Fast. Theydo you know if a new hire will fit look over their talent bank, find aon your team?few candidates, look over their Sales Talent Assessments, and decide1. Know your team.who has the talents they need. Tirzah Thornburg Abracadabra! Theyre hired. ThatsBefore you can begin to under-Senior Talent Analyst,it, except for the onboarding, right? stand how someone new will fit The Center for Sales(or not) on your team, you need Strategy Unfortunately,no.Findingnewto understand your team dynam-talent for a sales team involvesics. Your team has a lot of diverse more than just identifying a talentedtalents, but a few are important to person who wants the job. Its alsofocus on. If possible, generate your critically important to find talentteams Talent Composite. Tap on that will fit on the team. the shoulder of your friendly neigh-According to LinkedIn, heres theborhood Talent Analyst to help! key: Focus on understanding how aSeeing your teams talents on one new team member would shape orgraph can be eye-opening. Maybe contribute to the existing culture ofyou always knew your team was a team and how the team dynamicscompetitive, but you didnt real-might be affected. Fit within a job,ize they were that competitive. Or team, and work culture representsmaybe you felt a certain negativity the difference between a bad hiringon the team, but you didnt realize 68 The Team Equation: The Importance of Fit in New Hire Decisions'