b'ENGAGEMENTa companys core values and fol- goals around their developmentstudy,companieswithstrong lows through on promises is whatand growth. employee engagement outper-employees are longing for. BeingProviding effective feedback isform companies that have weak authentic, genuine, and transpar- important, too. By pointing outemployee engagement by 147% in ent will allow you to earn the trustearnings-per-share and have over-of employees, which in turn will propel your team forward.Employees engage"When you elevate team engagement their talentsyour employees become invested in the mission, engage their talents, reach their Employees who are encouraged to bring their whole selves to workfull potential, your customers benefit, and will leverage their unique talentsyour business wins." to accomplish great things. When a persons talents are engaged, they feel empowered to be them- what someone is doing exactly selves and contribute to the biggerright, they are propelled to doall profitability that is 21% higher. picture. more of it, or inspired to do itIts clear that when a leader prior-One of the best ways to engagedifferently in the future for evenitizes a culture initiative, they have employees is to understand whatgreater success. a competitive advantage in their they need from you to achievemarketplace.success.Whataretheirgoals,Customers benefitPaying attention to your company how would they like to grow, whatWhen your team is excited aboutculture is vital to your bottom motivates them, what can you dotheir mission and feels appreci- line. There is overarching financial to bring out their best? Great lead- success, the ability to attract top ers take time to ask these types ofated for their contributions, theytalent as the place where people questions to better understandare willing to go the extra mile forwant to work (or the leader they what will help a person connecteveryoneincluding your custom- want to work for!), and the fact with their role. With this informa- ers. Think about this: Your employ- that your people will feel safe to tion, youll be armed with waysees are how your clients perceiveinnovate and create new ideas to to develop them while gatheringyour brand. aid in your company growth.innovative ideas for the future. When your company culture is strong and your employees areIf your goal is to be a become a Employees reachengaged, your organization canbetter leader, guiding a strong culture initiative is the best place their full potentialdrive strong customer satisfac- to begin. The personality of your tion and build loyalty. Retainingculture is reflective of you. When Youve worked so hard to hire theemployeesleadstoretaining most talented people, now it iscustomers. Long-term employ- you are engaged in your job, your time to retain them so they canees have strong bonds with cli- employees follow suit. When you reach their full potential. The mostents. Strong relationships lead toare intentional about your culture talented people want to grow andincreased business. and elevate team engagement, developbecausestayingcon- your employees become invested stant is less than motivating. Suc- in the mission, engage their tal-Your business winsents, reach their full potential, cess happens when leaders make talent development a top prior- Building a strong culture initiativeyour customers benefit, and your ity. When you have a people-firsthas many impactful outcomes.business wins. This is a great road-mentality, it is easy to center yourAccordingtoarecentGallupmap for your success.How a Culture Initiative Makes You a Better Leader 121'