b'INTRODUCTION"Our team set out to push boundaries, challenge the status quo, and deliver innovative solutions. It required a mindset of continuous improvement, agility to navigate through complex and unique solutions, and a forward-thinking approach that would drive growth and profitability for a sustainable legacy." Carolyn LowstuterFormer President and CEO, Robertson Lowstuter (R|L)Compelling Leadership Brand, Thriving in the Midst ofintentional, cross-functional relationships, to impart Exponential Change, or Trust Matters. long-tenured wisdom and knowledge to the next gener-R|L coaches are certified through the Institute in Exec- ation of employees, or to equip mentees with broader utive Coaching and Executive Career Transition servicesperspectives to handle everyday challenges that may as well as in R|Ls proprietary behavioral style assess- arise, mentees report 23% greater satisfaction with ment tool, Behavioral IQ: The Art of Authentic Interac- their job and company by having a mentoring expe-tionTM. When we explore the profound truths of howrience (CNBC). Employees feel invested in and those involved in mentoring have a 50% higher retention rate each of us thinks, feels, and acts, we are able to under- than those not involved (MentorcliQ). Programs often stand what motivates and drives our actions as well asend with individuals and groups sharing the learning our impact on others. Based on 40+ years of research,behind their Authentic Leadership Journeys.the cornerstone of leadership mastery depends on our ability to speed-read others and to adapt our behav- One Mentee, Trenille, was a technical expert and des-ior situationally. No other diagnostic instrument mea- perately needed cross-functional influence skills to lead sures Authenticity and Behavioral Agility. The trainingthe changes needed in her global compliance area. She features 3 levels of certification including a Train-the- regularly criticized her global peers for not delivering Trainer series. Teams are encouraged to understandtheir information in a timely manner. She shared her their unique B-IQ profiles and to embrace the diversityexperience of discovery and stretch when her Mentor of their interpersonal and operating styles for optimalchallenged her to ask a simple question to these global team performance.counterparts. The question was this, What do you need from me to better accomplish your own goals? Instead of negatively complaining about them, she reversed the Next, I asked about mentoring which is aquestion and realized they were also frustrated with big part of how companies can developwhat they received from her. Instead of continuing the their people, improve engagement, andblame game, they built a global Center for Compliance grow their culture.Excellence and focused their efforts on best practices. Later that year, the three of them shared in the recog-At R|L, you have a couple of different ways you helpnition of the Presidents award for global collaboration.companies with mentoring. Tell us a little about each one. Additionally, R|L has effectively brought Mentoring Cir-cles to Employee Resource Groups (ERG) within the DEI Typically spanning a 6-to-12-month timeframe, R|Lspace, providing these groups with greater exposure offers: 1. End-to-end, 1-on-1 Mentoring Training pro- for career development and advancement. This form grams; 2. Mentoring Circles focused on group men- of group mentoring may conclude with an action proj-toring; or 3. A combination of both 1-on-1 Mentoringect. One Mentoring Circle partnered with the Talent with monthly or quarterly Mentoring Circles. WhetherAcquisition team to troubleshoot barriers to hiring using mentoring to increase bench strength throughdiversity candidates from their demographic. They A Conversation With Key Executives9'