b'RECRUITMENTSUPERHERORECRUITMENTNuggets of Knowledge from our Caped CrusadersWhat tips can you share for Talent Superhero Award winnersfinding top talent and building weigh in on the best ways to finda strong talent bank?candidates and build a strong talent bank.Frank PalinoDirector of Sales, TEGNA, Seattle, WA consider who has the potential toour job postings all the time. When I believe the most important partshift into our industry, who hasI explain that we do this because of building a strong talent bank isthe creativity and ability to standwe want to hire the best instead of consistency. If you approach find- through the change, and ultimately,hiring out of desperation, every-ing new talent for your team in thewho has the talent to care aboutthing makes sense to them. We are same way you expect your AEs toclient and organizational growth. very picky about who we choose to find clients, then you will build abring on board, and in order to do good bench. Then, as you get tothat, you have to be recruiting all know them, you can determineCarrie Berkbuegler the time.who could fit in what role in theDirector of Sales, Zimmer future and what they could bringCommunications, Columbia, MOthat may be new to your organiza- The best tip I have to build a strongAngelina Rosariotion. talent bank is to always be recruiting. Director of Sales, Cox Media Group, There are not as many pure mediaWe get asked in interviews all theMiami, FLtalented salespeople as there weretime about our turnover becauseOne of the best ways to find can-10 years ago, so you do need tothey hear our radio ads and seedidates and build a strong talent 26 Superhero Recruitment'