b'DEVELOPMENTSUPERHERODEVELOPMENTNuggets of Knowledge from our Caped CrusadersWhich talent tools and Talent Superhero Awardresources do you find most winners share the resourcesbeneficial for developing your they lean on to develop strong teams. direct reports and why?Steven BiebelSales Manager, TEGNA, San Diego, CAWe use the CSS STA results for screening, to guide our interviewof talent on the assessment. Thein my GSM role. Its a chance to get questions,andtoidentifyrolenumber doesnt lie, EVER! with my reps outside of the office playing scenarios. We believe theInaddition,theGrowthGuideand give them time to reflect, and STA is very important to our teamscombined with the STA can impactsometimes vent, on some things success in hiring and the longevitythe direct reports reflection ofwe arent able to always get to in the employee. Hire right! themselves and help us under- our weekly IFMs. Its nice because Why?the STA doesnt lie! Westand their goals it gives me a checklist of things I have been using the STA for selec- can focus on throughout the year. tion of talent for several years. It isTim Skibbe I can also go back and see all the very accurate in predicting how theGeneral Sales Manager, Federatedthings we were able to help them candidate will fit into our group,Media, South Bend, IN with over time. Its interesting to impact the culture, and what theirGrowth Guides have been an inte- see how things change with them strengths and weaknesses are! Wegral part of my annual coaching pro- over time on whats important always pay attention to the levelcess with my teams since I startedfrom year to year. 84 Superhero Development'