b'ENGAGEMENT"By inviting feedback, you show that you areSuperhero engagement open to dialogue and willing to adapt yourExpertsmanagement style. This can strengthen the relationship, creating an atmosphere of trust and transparency."Beth Bowers AEs believe this is the best possible Chief Revenue Officer, Atlanta Journalcompany to work for and the best Constitution, Atlanta, GA possible team (environment) forallisonWhen it comes to developing andthem to succeed. We celebrate retaining our people, I love theALL wins as a team, and we carrydelagrangeGrowth Guide! Receiving feedbackeach other during the seemingly from a direct report on how theyshort high times and what can be would like to be managed, how tothe longer low timeframes.communicate with them, and whatKeep your staff engaged with new matters to them is key to creating aopportunities constantly. If we as supportive and effective work envi- leaders dont lead from the front ronment. with new and innovative ideas, how can we expect our AEs to maintainbethByinvitingfeedback,youshowbowersthat you are open to dialogue andthe highest levels of outreach. They willing to adapt your managementall want to win.style. This can strengthen the rela- Have you instilled a winning cul-tionship, creating an atmosphereture within your team? Push team oftrustandtransparency.Themembers to do more, lead from Growth Guide provides a platformthe front and to be excellent. They to talk about an employees goalsneed to believe in their individual for career development. I use thisbusiness plans we set up from the conversation as a roadmap to pro- first day of the new year. Check inalexvide the training they may need toon their progress and check in level up, coaching moments, andoften. Be involved and they willZagrynassigning projects that give themstay engaged and stay with you and hands-on experience relevant tothe company!their career goals.Its an intentional tool.one that says, I care about your develop- Steven Biebelment, and Im going to help you getSales Manager, TEGNA, San Diego, CAthere. We are intentional with trainingstevenand AE involvement. Each has a specialty, expertise, and strength.biebelAlex Zagryn They feel good about sharing their Vice President/Head of Sales,knowledge, and it promotes a team iHeartMedia, New York, NY cultureortheory of plentyFor us its about the culture of theand there is enough for us all to company and about the team. Ourshare!Superhero Engagement 109'