b'DEVELOPMENTuniquely motivated them the most.reflects, I always walked away withReflecting on the What may work for one persondiverse ideas and perspectives. It may not work for others. So, itswas a safe and easy place to discussProgramreally learning to understand howand expand on things that perhapsOneofNormsnaturaltalents each person ticks. For example, Iarent always easy to talk about. Itinvolves the consistent desire to know if I give one person a task, Igave me the opportunity to reallystrive for more. His goals include know he is just going to go after itdig in deep. moving up within CMG. He shares, and do it. Whereas someone whoNorms coaching sessions continued,Knowing my company invested moves a little more cautiously, Iand before long, it was time to con- in me this way is so gratifying. I have to methodically think aboutduct a second survey to measure hisdont feel they would invest in me how I can get him on board beforeprogress. He admits that the pres- if they didnt feel there was some giving him the task. sure was high since his initial surveyopportunity for future growth. 360 Leadership Coachingwas a clear investment that his company "The more you put into the program,chose to make. In addition to having an impact on Norms retention at the more you get out of the program.CMG, it had an impact on his direct Bring your full, authentic self, be openreports. JC mentions, Not only was 360 a great program for Norm, but to feedback, dont shy away fromit gave him additional tools so that vulnerability, and adopt a learning mindset."his team could grow as well.When given the opportunity to results were so strong. Would thereflect on his experience and his Equally important as completinglikelihood of recommending the the Growth Guides was building abar stay as high as hed set it? program to others, Norm says, I habit of using the information heWhen it came time, Norms leader- wouldabsolutely100%recom-learned consistently. Norm com- ship team joined his survey resultsmend this program to other people. mitted to quickly reviewing an indi- call in celebration and support. WithWhen I think of the program, the viduals Growth Guide before theirthe intentional focus he placed onword excellent comes to mind. 360 weekly IFM. This small habit con- his strengths, Norm was able to seeLeadership Coachingisnt just a tinued to strengthen the relation- considerable progress. JC, VP andtool that someone sold a company ships hed worked so hard to build.Market Manager, shares, By zero- on; it is extremely beneficial, and I Now I feel like I can speak on aing in on his talent with a consistentam a big believer in it.level with each of my direct reportsand detailed program like 360 Lead- To others beginning the program, that makes them feel like I reallyership Coaching, it allowed him toNorm advises, Be you and bring understand them, Norm says. Isee significant growth. you. You cant be anyone else. The feel comfortable in the fact thatJC goes on to say, His confidencemore you put into the program, the my direct reports know Im thereimproved and his leadership skillsmore you get out of the program. to help them with ideas, give themcontinue to improve. One of theBring your full, authentic self, be support, and encourage them. Ikeys to Norms continued successopen to feedback, dont shy away value and appreciate them. is keeping the knowledge he gainedfrom vulnerability, and adopt a Over the next several months, Normduring the program at the top oflearning mindset. Norm shares, regularly met with his Executivehis mind. Although the formal 360This program helped me with my Coach to discuss and implementprogram has ended, Norm shares,self-development and helped me additional strategies to continueI still have to remind myself of thefill in my confidence. It provided a to grow his strengths. When askedthings I learned because you canstrong blueprint to reinforce that I about his coaching sessions, Normeasily get lost in the numbers. was on the right path.The ROI of Focusing on Strengths: 360 Leadership Coaching97'