b'RECRUITMENTT he quest to find top talentif they hired top performers andreferrals,hiringmanagers is a perpetual pursuit. Forhow they found them. Our goal ishad success finding superstar nine years, we have workedto identify recruitment trends andsellers through LinkedIn and touncoverrecruitmenttrendsuncover the most common waysusing job boards such as Indeed and the best ways to find salesmanagers are finding superstars. and ZipRecruiter.superstars. The Sales SuperstarWe are breaking down the data inSearching LinkedIn, asking for Study sheds light on the importancethree ways this yeartop ways toreferrals, and identifying top of building a recruitment strategyfind superstar sellers, top ways toperformersworkingforthe andschedulingrecruitmentfind sales leaders, and the mostcompetition can pay off when activities on your calendar eachcommonwaysleadersfoundbuilding a Talent Bank of sales week. Recruiting and hiring topsuperstarsoverthepastninemanagercandidates.These talentcanbechallenging,butyears. were the most common ways getting creative with recruitingclients found superstar sales and using multiple strategies to find top talent will help you build2023 Top Takeaways: leaders in the past three years.a strong Talent Bank. Leaders who have the mostTop three ways success in hiring superstars use Sales Superstarmultiple recruitment methods. our clients StudyReferrals once again top the listfound superstar Each year the CSS Talent Team con- of the most common ways tosalespeople in 2023:ducts the Sales Superstar Study tofind sales superstars, widening the gap between the number1 Referralsunderstand the ways in which ourone and number two spots. 2.LinkedInclients are having the most success in finding top talent. We ask leadersInadditiontoaskingfor3.Job Boards (Indeed, ZipRecruiter, etc.)Trend: During the past nine years, "Instead of telling people you dontleaders have found top-perform-ing salespeople through referrals have any openings right now, letmore than any other recruiting method. 35% of superstar sellers them know youre always lookingwere found through referrals.for top talentlets talk! With thisTop three ways mindset, recruitment is happening allour clients found the time, whether you have an opensuperstar sales leaders in 2023:position or not. Then, when youTwo years ago, we began analyz-ing the best source of superstar finally need to make a hire, you havesales leaders, and here is what we a talented group of people sitting onfound:1 LinkedInthe bench to pull from." 2.Referrals3.CompetitionSuperstar Study 2023 29'