b'RECRUITMENT STRAIGHT FROM THE experts5 Ways To Recruit More SuperstarsBy Beth SunshineT he economic downturn wethat attracts top talent and also are experiencing has led toinvolves getting the word out with increased competition and astrong employer branding. Some greater need for effective recruit- companies are tapping one of their ment. As a result, finding and hiringmarketing experts to also focus on the best talent has become a topemployer branding, ensuring the priority for many organizations,companys image and reputation Beth Sunshine and it is likely to remain so for theare well-represented.SVP - Talent Services,foreseeable future. One of the most important steps The Center for Sales Strategy and Up YourEven companies that have tradi- in creating that top-notch culture Culture tionally received a steady flow ofinvolves defining who you are as an job applications may struggle toorganization and what you value. attract top talent in the currentOnceyouhaveidentifiedyour climate. To ensure success in yourcore values (like integrity, col-recruitment efforts, it is essentiallaboration, or responsiveness, to master the basics. Here are fiveyou can begin to hire those who strategies you can use to improveshare those values and recognize yourchancesofattractingtopemployee behaviors that align with talent. them. When done right, this cre-ates a cohesive and positive work 1Become an Eliteenvironment where employees have a clear north star that guides Place to Work them.Becoming an elite workplace startsThese days, doing well by doing with creating the kind of culturegood is also important to many 36 5 Ways To Recruit More Superstars'