b'SELECTION STRAIGHT FROM THE experts5 Dos and 5 Dontsfor Your Next Candidate InterviewBy Deb FulghumI nterviewing potential employeesAssessments provide insight into allows you to assess someoneswhat comes naturally to someone fit with your company while alsoand what may not. This allows for allowing the candidate to evalu- the round peg, round hole hiring ate your company as a potentialmethod. You cant make someone employer. Hiring the right personsomething they are not, so finding is critical to your time and success. out what is instinctual puts you a Deb Fulghum There are a few dos and donts tostep ahead.Senior Talent Analyst / Engagementkeep in mind to ensure that both2. Have Realistic Specialist, The Centersides walk away feeling good about for Sales Strategy andthe decisions made in the hiringExpectationsUp Your Culture process. Although you may have a list of what a perfect candidate looks like, 5 Dos Whenit is important to be realistic in your Interviewing expectations. They may have all the talent in the world, but do those talents align with your goals for the 1. Use a Validated Talentrole?Assessment In a time when finding top talent is AlwaysuseaValidatedTalentharder than ever, ensuring you are Assessment to ensure that a candi- setting someone up for success date has the innate ability to excelis important. Also, consider the in the role you are filling. Talentperson who will manage them. Does 72 5 Dos and 5 Donts for Your Next Candidate Interview'