b'ENGAGEMENT STRAIGHT FROM THE expertsHow to Build a Stronger Company Culture by Effectively Resolving ConflictBy Mindy MurphyB uilding a strong culture canHere are a few strategies you can positively impact nearly everyuse to help your team resolve con-aspect of a company, includ- flicts.ing recruiting top talent, improving employee engagement, boostingCreate a Strategyproductivity, and increasing revenue. Managers should have a conflict There are many things you can domanagement strategy in placeMindy Murphy to create a great culture. A strongthink about it as the rules of the Senior Talent Analystfocus on developing your people,game when it comes to address-and Culture Coach,providing opportunities for team The Center for Salesing conflict. This way, people know Strategy and Up Yourbuilding, making sure people haveexactly how to behave and have Culture a strong sense of purpose in theira process to follow when conflict work, and leading with integrity arearises. Training your people in con-all important in building a strongflict management is an effective foundation for a positive culture. way to help them handle problems Another action you can take tothemselves.enhance culture is to teach your people how to effectively resolveEncourage Open conflicts. Conflicts are a naturalCommunicationpart of any organization, but when not handled effectively conflicts canCreateanenvironmentwhere create a toxic work environmentemployees can voice their opinions which can lead to a decline in pro- and concerns freely without fear ductivity, morale, and job satisfac- of being judged or criticized. When tion. When conflicts are resolvedemployees feel comfortable sharing effectively, it can help improve com- their thoughts, they are more likely pany culture, employee engage- to collaborate and work together ment, and collaboration. effectively.128 How to Build a Stronger Company Culture by Effectively Resolving Conflict'