b'DEVELOPMENTto motivate each person. Do they like the public shoutouts? A quiet pat on the back? Now youll know.Encouraging Collaboration: By grouping sellers into cohorts, we foster a sense of commu-nity and teamwork. They share sales sequences, success sto-ries, and tips for using the new sales enablement tools, which enhances engagement while drivinginnovationandpeer learning.most coveted candidates. Thiswe ensure theyre ready to takeTrackingPerformance:Key precision messaging ensureson the market, and we build inPerformance Indicators (KPIs) that you attract individuals whoregular practice and coaching toare the backbone of perfor-are not just qualified but areensure they excel. mance tracking. We ensure they also a perfect fit for the role andLeveragingTechnologyforare realistic and consistent, pro-your companys culture. Sales Enablement: In todaysviding clear targets for sellers to SelectingStrongCandi- digital landscape, technology isaim for, but at the same time, dates: The selection processa game-changer. We equip Fast- we have very high expectations goes beyond simple resumesTrack participants with a robustfor success, which fuels engage-and interviews. Success hap- CRM with built-in sales enable- ment.Wemonitorprogress pens when you delve into thement tools like automated salesclosely, providing the support essence of what makes a candi- sequences that lead to a muchand guidance each seller needs date tick, assessing their innatehigher level of outbound activ- to reach their full potential.talents and how they align withity. They also have access to the hunter profile. Its aboutbusiness intelligence tools, likeGetting every aspect finding those who not only haveZoomInfo that empower themof the new hires the right skills but also the driveto swiftly identify and gather and determination to excel in aprospect information tailoredjourney rightdynamic sales environment. to specific industries and geo- Each of these facets is powerful on CommittingtoRobustgraphic regions, as well as toits own, but when combined into Onboarding:Onceyouvetrackorganizationalsearcha single comprehensive program, identified your future stars, youbehaviors. they become magical.dont just throw them into theRecognizing and RewardingThe New Hire Fast-Start initiative deep end. The Fast-Track ini- Success: People need to knowis a testament to what is possible tiative makes onboarding a tai- they are valued and that otherswhen you recruit, select, develop, lored experience, designed toappreciate their good work butand engage your people from the set clear expectations for suc- not everyone likes to receivevery beginning. It leads to higher cess and then equip each newthis recognition in the sameengagement levels, increased sales hire with the knowledge, tools,way. The New Hire Fast-Trackproductivity,andmorealigned and confidence they need toinitiative ensures you get it rightvalues and objectives.reach your expectations. Fromevery time by arming you with product training to sales tactics,a tool to pinpoint the right way Revving up Performance with the New Hire Fast-Track 89'