b'RECRUITMENTcandidates. They want to knowsince they will get a much higherexcellence in the role. For example, theyll be working at a companyengagement rate than your com- does the job require patience and they can be proud of, not just inpany will get. a more methodical approach? Or terms of the product or service thedoes it require a sense of urgency company provides but also in terms2. Make Sure Youreandajump-in-and-do-itstyle? of how the organization supportsThis will help you to pinpoint the the community. Fishing With Theskills you need future hires to have Once you have built the cultureRight Bait alreadydevelopedbeforethey you want, you need to showcaseWhen it comes to strong recruit- come on board versus those you are willing to train.it! Short culture videos and recruit- ment, it is important to avoid trying ment videos can shine a brightto boil the ocean. This means thatIn addition, it is important to clearly spotlight on the benefits of workingyou should narrow your focus atdefine in your mind what you will at your company and give potentialthe very beginning to save your- require as far as previous expe-future employees a realistic look atself time and headaches along therience. Do they need to have a what its like to work there. Con- way. To do this, start by spacingspecific certification? Two years of sider highlighting any communityout the jobs you are likely to hireexperience in a specific field? This involvement or charitable initia- for this year. This will give you awill help you to identify the most tives your company is involved inclear understanding of what leadsqualified candidates for the job.as part of your employer brandingto superstar success in those roles. With these must-haves in mind, efforts. To narrow your focus, you shouldconsider how you can position the Encourageyouremployeestofirst identify the innate strengthsjob in such a way as to attract those share these videos on social mediathat lead people to perform withwho are a good match. This might involve highlighting the benefits of the role, such as the opportunity for "The competition for talent is huge, andadvancement or the chance to work people talk, so it is important to make surewith a talented team. By focusing on the qualities that are most import-that your candidates have a good impressionant for success in the role, you can of your company (even those you dont hire)." more effectively attract top talent to your organization.5 Ways To Recruit More Superstars 37'