b'ENGAGEMENT1.Culture-First : sake, companies will better connect the infor-This year begins the rise of a culture-firstmation they provide to their larger purpose and decade. Employee engagement, which seemedvision.like an exciting concept at the beginning of the last decade, is now an obvious business goal.6.Preventing Burnout :Companies will realize the urgent need to ele- With a variety of work models, its no longer pos-vate their cultures or risk losing top talent. sible to establish a work-life balance. Instead of being on contrasting sides of the scale, employ-2.Shared Mission : ees will consciously choose which pieces of their Organizations will emphasize incorporating theirlives to blend into their work schedules, and Shared Mission as early as possible. They willmanagers will be more flexible with those work-review recruitment, selection, and onboardinging outside of traditional office hours.processes to ensure they clearly outline their companys Reason for Being, Core Values, and7.Generational Gaps :Vision. New employees should be able to recite,Millennial employees seek a greater sense of define, and act on a companys Shared Missionbelongingness to their organization. They want the moment they come on board. to feel valued and recognized. A strong company culture coupled with compassionate leaders will 3.People Development : offer the ultimate job satisfaction.Companies will increasingly realize the impact appreciating their team members has on8.Health and Well-Being :employee engagement. Its not just about formalAdditional focus will be given to mental health programs; its about recognizing successesand creating a stress-free work environment. in-the-moment from colleagues and managersEmployers who care for employee health and alike. wellbeing see higher productivity, higher profit-ability, and lower turnover rates.4.Valued Voice :Organizations will prioritize employee voice and9.Core Values :feedback, seeking ways to incorporate sugges- More than just words on the wall, company tions and address concerns. Conducting regularleaders will ensure that their organization lives engagement surveys, being open to anonymousout their Core Values. This involves clearly defin-constructive feedback, and having acceptableing them, hiring people who share like-minded channels to contribute suggestions without judg- values, and holding people accountable to the ment will better engage their employees. behaviors they expect.5.Earned Trust : 10. Middle Managers :Employees and managers are yearning for a wayThe focus will turn to managers. Employers will to connect the dots between the informationplace emphasis on training, developing, and theyre receiving and why that information isretaining middle managers. When their cups impactful. Transparency will become an area ofare filled, they will have a larger, more positive focus. Instead of information for informationsimpact on overall employee engagement.Engagement Trends 107'