b'ENGAGEMENTToolsTalentCoach Priority StrategiesOur cutting-edge AI provides you with quick,Identify the most important coaching strat-actionable strategies you can use to enhanceegies that will maximize the performance of your culture and increase employee engage- each individual, and hold yourself accountable ment. by setting them as Priority Strategies in your Talent Dashboard.Engagement Elevator Talent Dashboard ReportsThe most highly engaged companies have fourRun a Team Composite to ensure you under-specific things in common and we call thesestand the areas of strength shared by most of the four Engagement Elevators. We can helpyour people, keep track of all the Priority Strat-you to understand and activate these eleva- egies you have set for your group, and note of tors to effectively Up Your Culture. the work youve done to build relationships via Effective Feedback the Growth Guideall in one place.One of the best tools you have in your toolbox isRecruitment to Retention Effective Feedback. We help you to identify the kind of feedback your people need from youSeriesduring your Individual Focus Meetings, FieldConsider this four-session virtual workshop Coaching opportunities, and training sessions. that provides your leadership team with a consistent and repeatable process for finding, Effective Onboarding developing, and retaining top talent. Our Effective Onboarding course guides man-agers to build a detailed roadmap to ensureFit Interview Questionsnew hires feel engaged and connected fromThese top interview questions will help you to the start and ramp-up quickly. uncover the information you need to deter-mine whether a candidate is the right fit for Growth Guide you, the product, your team, your organiza-The Growth Guide is a relationship develop- tion, and your culture.ment and employee engagement tool that will help you uncover what makes each person tick, what motivates them, and what goals theyve set for themselves.How We Help with Engagement 141'