b'ENGAGEMENT"Impactful listening is more than just hearing. Its actively absorbing what someone says, showing youre interested in what theyre saying, and providing feedback that leads to growth. Listening is a skill that requires development, just like any other skill."Althoughitmaybeinstinctualconsideration. Make sure youreinsight into the speaker. This allows to jump in to solve problems fornon-judgmental in your approach.ustobetterunderstandtheir people, and you may think thatsSomeones opinions, whether youobjectives, beliefs, and attitudes.your job, its more effective to col- agree with them or not, are stillLarry King famously said, I remind laborate and brainstorm possiblevalid opinions. myself every morning: Nothing I solutions together. When youresay this day will teach me anything. sure you fully understand whatConclusionSo, if Im going to learn, I must do someone is asking of you, thenit by listening. Identify the lis-make contributions. Confirm thatIf we listen carefully, we benefittening skills you can work on and you understand what youre hear- from the information being sharedmake a commitment to yourself to ing and introduce other ideas forwith us, but we also gain valuableimprove them.How to Become a More Impactful Listener 133'