b'ENGAGEMENTThere is no doubt that the newestEvery company has an online brandEvery brand wants to get on generation to hit the workforce haseven if it isnt intentional. Do youthe purpose train, but so many a lot to offer your organization, soknow your companys reputationof them are simply saying nice what are the secrets to retainingonline? Because Gen Z does. Andthings but not doing anything, your Gen Z workforce? they are looking for companiesMichael Pankowski, a junior at that align with their values andHarvard and founder of the Defineyourbrand,interests. For example, many areGen Z consulting firm Crimson passionate about social or environ- Connection, told Ad Age. If work your brand, andmental causes, and they want toyou want Gen Zs trust as a live your brand! align themselves with companiesbrand, we need to see that that share their focus. If you talkyoure legitimately backing your Secret #1Know your currentabout your companys dedicationwords with actions.online brand, make sure it alignsto a cause, and they find that your with your company and businessonline brand doesnt align, they willMeaningful work and unit, and then live that brand. Beghost you during the interview pro- growthtransparent about who you arecess. If they accept your job offer because Gen Z will know if youreand then find that values dontSecret #2Discuss ways for your not. align, they will quit. employees to find meaning in their current job and a pathway to their dream job within your company.According to Forbes.com, 72% of Gen Z professionals believe that satisfying job responsibilities are more important than salary, and 70% say having meaningful work is more important than salary.What does meaningful work look like for your Gen Z employees? If you dont know, you need to ask and as quickly as possible. What do they define as meaningful and important, and how can this be integrated into their current job? No job is perfect, but brainstorm-ing with your direct reports on ways for them to find meaning in their work could make the differ-ence between them staying with When you elevate team engagementyour company and moving on.your employees become invested in theWhataretheirshort-termand long-term goals? What do they mission, engage their talents, reach theirsee as the pinnacle of their career? full potential, your customers benefit, andGrowth is important, and know-ing the pathway to that growth your business wins.can give them both purpose and a reason to stay with your company.Secrets to Retaining Gen Z Employees 135'