b'DEVELOPMENT STRAIGHT FROM THE expertsThe ROI of Focusing on Strengths: 360 Leadership Coaching By Kate RehlingW hen asked the question,JCCampese,VPandMarket Who on your team doManager at Cox Media Group in youdevotethemostOrlando, kept this philosophy in time to? the majority of managersmind when he chose to enroll Norm will respond and admit that mostLevy in 360 Leadership Coaching. JC of their time is devoted to coachingopenly shares, Norm has a ridicu-their strugglers. After all, it is natu- lous amount of talent.Kate Rehling ral to believe they need the mostNorm Levy is a General Sales Man-Talent Analyst/ attention. Theyre struggling, andager at CMG Orlando. With 14 years Engagementits a managers job to help them Specialist, The Centerof experience in TV, including sev-for Sales Strategy andflourish,right?Ifwerehonest,eral years at the management level, Up Your Culture though, when someone is strug- Norm is no stranger to the media gling to perform and their talentsrealm. But transitioning from TV dont align with their job role, timeto radio involves a large learning invested is often time wasted. curve. When he began the 360 Instead, managers should devoteprogram, he was still fairly new most of their time to their top per- to his role in an industry he was continuing to learn and adapt to. formers. When you align the rightWhen youre newer to your posi-talent to the right job role andtion, theres sometimes this voice provide appropriate coaching, theof insecurity that says, Can you return on time investment is huge.do it? Im always striving to figure When we focus on helping talentedout how I can add value and show I people grow their strengths, thebelong on this team of A+ players. potential for growth is up to tenNorm says. Leaning on his previous times their current performance. management experience, Norm 94 The ROI of Focusing on Strengths: 360 Leadership Coaching'