b'ENGAGEMENTing culture of a team and how theize onboarding to fit their learningtional culture. What about your team dynamics might be affected.style, or hand them a computer andteam?Fit within a job, team, and workthen ignore them? And once theyWhat Gen Z is asking for and prior-culture represents the differenceare trained, do they have mentorsitizing is not new. Employees have between a bad hiring decision andwilling to help and problem-solvebeen seeking flexibility, mobility, an outstanding career. with them, or do tenured employ- and great culture for decades. Gen ThinkaboutyourPre-Boardingees view them as competition to beZ is simply more aggressive in pur-and On-Boarding routine. Do youdestroyed at will? suing these goals. So, to remain welcome and embrace new hires,Every team has a specific culture.competitive, aggressively pursue assign a work buddy, and custom- Successful teams have an inten- these goals as well.Secrets to Retaining Gen Z Employees 137'