b'RECRUITMENT STRAIGHT FROM THE expertsThe MOST Important Lessons Every Manager Needs to LearnBy Kate RehlingH ave you ever hired someonesales. Just because you close a whoseemedperfectondeal, it doesnt mean you dont paper, but ended up beingstill have to prospect the next day! a terrible fit for your team? WhatThe same can be said for recruit-aboutsomeonewhoblewyoument. Just because you have a full away during the interview process,team, it doesnt mean you dont but then turned out to be a totallystill need to recruit. Imagine your Kate Rehling different person once you broughttarget accounts are your future Talent Analyst/ them on board? employees.Engagement Specialist, The CenterIf we each had a crystal ball to gazeAdoptawerealwayshiring for Sales Strategy andinto, the hiring process would bemindset where recruitment is hap-Up Your Culture so much easier. Instead, hiring thepening all the time, whether or not wrong person is oftentimes a toughyou have an open position. Then, learning experience. youll have a full bench to pull from when it comes time to make a hire Here are five important lessonsdown the road. Finding and hiring every hiring manager needs totop talent is challenging. Its even learn. Keep reading to avoid learn- more challenging if you dont have ing them the hard way! a strong talent bank to pull from.Lesson 1: Setasidetimeforrecruitment Youre Always Hiring each week in the same way your Account Executives set aside time Recruiting is like prospecting into prospect44 The MOST Important Lessons Every Manager Needs to Learn'