b'ENGAGEMENT STRAIGHT FROM THE expertsWhy Your Cultural Efforts May Not Be WorkingBy Danielle AlleyneW hatwouldyousayifReason 1: You Dont I asked you what the keys to physical fitnessHave Clear Goals or are? Im sure it would sound some- Objectivesthing like this: Eat healthy foods,When you first join a gym, they usu-limit or eliminate foods high in fatally encourage you to meet with a and sugar, exercise regularly, drinktrainer, take a physical assessment, Danielle Alleyne plenty of water, and prioritize yourand then plan your health objec-Learning Delivery Specialist Contractor,sleep. Although we know whattives. The assessment helps you The Center for Salesphysical fitness requires, its chal- gauge where you are currently, and Strategy and Up Yourlenging for most of us to consis- the goals give you a target to aim Culture tently follow these basic steps. for. Without clear goals and met-rics to track progress, its challeng-Getting your company culture intoing to gauge your success.shape can likewise seem straight-forward,butthereareseveralThe same is true when you are reasons why you may not see thetrying to improve your company desired improvement. Followingculture. Its best to use an assess-the fitness analogy, lets take ament tool to measure employee engagement and uncover the pain deeper dive into five reasons whypoints that are having the highest your efforts to up your cultureimpact on your culture. From there, may not be working and discussyou can select one area you want what you can do about it. to focus on. Drilling down on one 122 Why Your Cultural Efforts May Not Be Working'