b'RECRUITMENTbank is by utilizing online job plat- First, since you are trying to fill aSuperhero recruitment forms like Recruiterlite on Linke- vacant seat, you may rush the hire.ExpertsdIn. It offers a large talent pool andSecond, if there are holes in your advanced search features to helpteam, you may be more needed you narrow down your search. Tothan ever, and you may not be able make the most of it, schedule atto spend time recruiting. Always least three dedicated sessions perhave a list of who I would add week, with a minimum of 20 min- today if I had an opening.utes each, to proactively scout forHere are a few ideas beyond the potential candidates. Take advan- obvious:tage of LinkedIns filters and tar-geted searches to find candidatesUnderstand your business isFrankwith specific skills, experiences, oralways evolving. You do not preferred locations. When reach- always need to hire some- palinoing out to candidates, personalizeone with experience in your your messages to introduce yourindustry. What other industries company and the role youre seek- share or have similar needs for ing to fill. Lastly, ensure you reg- specific talents and strengths? ularly update and maintain yourFind those people.talent bank to keep track of prom- Understand what your compet- Carrieising candidates for future oppor-tunities. itors weaknesses and strengthsberkbueglerare as an organization. The best want to be with the best. Show them how you/your company Leslie Talansky fulfills what they are missing.Vice President, Cox Media, California Simple. Networking! It is key toTiming is critical. Just because itsnottherighttimefora building a strong talent bank. Andpotential candidate or forangelinaconsistency. You have to do it non- you, make sure you keeprosariostop! themonthebenchsoyour talent bank is always growing. JC Campese Keep your bench warm.Vice President and Market Manager,Invest in your current team. Cox Media Group, Orlando, FL There could be a college intern Always be on the lookout for thewho is just a few years awayleslienext superstar! I hear people sayfrom being a top performer. Iftalanskythat they simply do not have timethey are inside your building, to recruit when they are at full staff.invest in them and learn about Or worse yet, recruiting is put onthem. If they could, one day, be the back burner if your staff isthe right person for a particu-full. If you have not been buildinglar seat, work hard to let them your bench and you end up with afind success with you, not else-position to fill, you will be startingwhere.from scratch. In my opinion, thereJCare two problems with waiting toCampeserecruit until you have an opening: 27'