b'SELECTIONTHE FACTS YOU NEED ONSELECTION A good hire takes time. Whats in their toolbox?On average, it takes 10 interviews94% of recruiters say you have to understand to result in one hire. both talent and skills to make a strong hire.Win themReputation before pay.50% of candidates say they wouldnt work for a company with over!a bad reputation, even with a pay increase.87% say a positive interview experience can change their mind about a role orMoving on up!Watch your company they once75% of recruiters agree thatreputation! doubted. internal hires will shape the future of recruiting. 80% of candidates who experience an unsatisfactory recruitment process Just 2 weeks! revealed that they openly tell people about 55% of candidates believe it should take less than 2 weeks fromtheir experience.the first interview to a job offer.Feedback matters. Whats important? 94% of job applicants would love toThe most important factors in accepting receive actual feedback after an interview. a new job are compensation, professional development, and a better work/life blend.Sources: LinkedIn, BrainSource, NorthOne, Bamboo HR, Engage 2024The Facts You Need on Selection 51'